Your payment provider will charge you in the standard currency used for all your transactions. If you buy fuel abroad with Shell Smartpay, we will charge the amount in the currency of the country where your're buying the fuel. Your payment provider will convert this in your home currency.
Contact us
No matter what your question is, you can be assured that we’ll do our best to help you find the answer you’re looking for. Get in touch with a member of our team today.
Online Request Forms
You can also send us a request via web form.
Shell Go+Shell Stations General Enquiries
For all queries related to Shell ClubSmart please call:
(66) 0 2697 5858 (Monday – Saturday 9 am – 7 pm)
For all other queries please call:
(66) 0 2657 9888 (Monday – Saturday 8 am – 5 pm)